Lobby Kiosk

COVID Compliant Lobby Kiosks

DeskFlex one-tap lobby kiosk is the next generation desk and room scheduling system device. DeskFlex lobby kiosks transmit data to the central control site for administrators to monitor and modify. 

One-Tap Check-In, Check Out, View, And Modify Reservations

Users, including employees, registered guests, and visitors, can view the current status of the desks, make bookings, and check into office spaces, meeting rooms, conference rooms, equipment, and office facilities in every floor area using the one-tap screen terminal.

The Lobby kiosk reduces the instances of face-to-face contact when making office space reservations. It eliminates the need for a hoteling receptionist when booking a desk. 

Light Tapping Navigation

DeskFlex room booking system aims to help organizations, businesses, schools, and universities curb the COVID-19 pandemic making sure that their lobby kiosks come with a highly touch-sensitive screen to allow users to use a light tapping motion when navigating through the interface. 

Easy Device Disinfection

Because of its sleek design, lobby kiosks are easy to clean. The cleaning crew can disinfect its interactive screen by wiping its surface using an appropriate screen and device cleaning solution. 


Here are some notable features that make it more commendable for a hybrid office.  

Get the DeskFlex Hoteling Software Now!

Implementing a productive hybrid workplace is about coordinating the traditional and remote setup most efficiently and effectively. DeskFlex is your reservation solution that aids offices in starting this kind of work setup. 

Hello! Let's Talk.

Select your optional add-ons:

How many total floors in your building(s) would be added for Hoteling?

How many Cubicles, Offices or Conference Rooms will be available for booking?

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